Mahalle Newsletter 8.12.2023


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Dear friends,

There is very good news for all those who have been asking us for olive oil from the Andalusian agricultural workers‘ union SAT. There is freshly harvested olive oil available to order again. Anyone who manages to send us their order by Tuesday 12.12. can hope to receive the olive oil before Christmas. The comrades want to send the oil on December 15th. The oil is now available in a 5-liter tin canister instead of the large plastic bottle. Unfortunately, the 5-liter canister now costs 60.00 euros instead of the previous 40.00 euros. Please send your orders to

We have another piece of good news. This year we have managed to get two neighborhood rooms rent-free. Howoge is taking over the rent and operating costs for the Komşuhütte and the Komşukeller in courtyard 87 of the Südblöcke am Kotti. The two rooms will continue to be run according to Bilgisaray principles and are available to all neighbors free of charge. This is the first step towards where we want to go:

  • more self-managed neighborhood spaces,
  • a right to neighborhood spaces for all,
  • preferably every 500 meters
  • and preferably in a prime location and without rent

Give us your properties, whether state-owned, private corporations, individual owners or cooperatives.

This year, we took part in the Transforming Solidarities project together with other initiatives such as the Health Collective, RuT or Klasse Klima. Unfortunately, the Kiosk of Solidarity first failed at Oranienplatz and then at Kotti due to the bureaucracy of Kreuzberg. The FHXB district office simply couldn’t bring itself to give us a stand permit for the kiosk for a few days. What was possible in other districts of the city without any problems was not possible in Kreuzberg. That’s very crazy. Nevertheless, Bilgisaray has become part of the Spaces of Solidarity exhibition. You can marvel at the kiosk and the rest of the exhibition until 21.1.24 at the German Architecture Center.


And now to the nitty-gritty: unfortunately the Mahalle is not yet rent-free and we are still dependent on each other to get the monthly rent together. At the moment we are missing 500.00 euros a month for the rent in the Mahalle. The situation is similar with the rent for the Bilgisaray in the O45. What we need are standing orders: whether 5 euros or 50 euros, it doesn’t matter. Ask around in your collectives, house projects, families, circles of friends and give us a standing order. We are also happy to accept individual donations.

You will of course also receive donation receipts for your donations.

Please transfer your donation for Mahalle Miete to the account of To.gather e.V. at GLS Bank with the IBAN DE24 4306 0967 1049 2651 00

If you also want to donate to the rent of the Bilgisaray in the O45, please transfer to the account of Iskra e.V. at Berliner Sparkasse with the IBAN DE29 1005 0000 0190 6228 65

We hope you are all well and in good health and company. We hope that you continue to have the courage to look to the future with optimism and confidence. We hope that the now six Kiezräume will continue to follow the Bilgisaray principle

  • Bilgisaray in the O45
  • Mahalle in the Waldemarstraße
  • Lauseria in the Lause 10
  • L12 at Lichtenrader 12
  • Komşuhütte and Komşukeller at the Kotti

Help you to hold good meetings, argue with each other in solidarity, cook delicious food, meet and get to know each other. These neighborhood spaces are part of the great infrastructural commons of our city, for which we all share responsibility.

We wish you a good start to the well-deserved weekend, and also lots of strength to all those who have to work over the weekend.

Take care of yourselves and everyone around you. We all need each other.

Together we stand up for the good life in dignity and solidarity

With much sevgi and selam,

Ilker & Andrea